Family Housing

San Pedro de la Paz, Concepcion – CHILE

A family of 5 members decided to change a large apartment in the city for a courtyard house in a suburb of Concepción. The challenge is at the origin of the request, design a house of 240 m2 on a site of 375 m2, preventing the courtyard remain as residual or an addition of courtyards-pieces.



To ensure the achievement of the coveted patio we drew a line on the site that defines both, the area of ​​the house and the yard in equivalent sections.


All permanency spaces of the house are oriented towards the courtyard with good solar orientation. This open to the sky space is limited by the wall of the first level which extends as a belt, seeking to strength the visual relationship between the inside and outside. The Siege, treated like a wall of the house, privatizes the playground of the street, while contains the true boundary of the visual experience of the piece.


Technical Info

Project: 2007

Construction: 2008

Collaborators: Christian Larenas

Model: Marcelo Gonzalez

Structural Engineering: Luis Mendieta

Sanitary Installation:  Roberto Rossi

Electric Installation: Eduardo Almendra

Construction System and Materials: Confined Masonry / Oregon Pine Wood Structure / Exterior Oregon Pine Wood / Aluminum / Double Glass

Photograph: Gustavo Burgos

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Diagonal Pedro Aguirre Cerda Nº 1179 of. 401 Concepción - CHILE | F +56 41 2933805 | C +56 9 90895469 |