Family Housing

San Pedro de la Paz, Concepción – CHILE

A geometric gravity center organizes the spatial structure of this house; a double height lobby gathers every room in the house. With the joints and defaces of the masses, we crossed the tensions proper of the artificial order with the natural order of the site. The volume of air contained between the project and site interweave both conditions.

The expression of the house, perforated mass and homologous texture, seeks to create a set of sculptural qualities with the neighbor piece, to present a new plastic reality.


Technical Info

Project: 2012

Construction: 2012-2013

Collaborators: Carolina Cabrer, Mario Carvajal, Cristian Dippel

Model: Marcelo Gonzalez

Construction: Daniel Saez

Structural Engineering: Mauricio Delgado

Sanitary Installation:  Marcelo Valenzuela

Electric Installation: Johnny Marchant

Heating: Jorge Salgado

Construction System and Materials: Reinforced Concrete / Bricks / Coigüe Wood / Rauli Wood / Double Glass

Photograph: Gustavo Burgos

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Diagonal Pedro Aguirre Cerda Nº 1179 of. 401 Concepción - CHILE | F +56 41 2933805 | C +56 9 90895469 |